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August I

Dear Customer,

This email includes new product feature release notes and updates for the Hopstack Platform.

We have also included relevant support materials to help you navigate the new changes to the platform. Please click on the Support Resources hyperlink under the relevant topic headers to open the respective support materials. Please log in to the support portal with the password already supplied to you.

Edit Order Functionality

Modify orders with the source 'Hopstack' or created manually on the HOPSTACK platform. The feature applies to orders in the 'Unprocessed' or 'Exception' state.
Please note that certain fields like the associated client and order ID remain non-editable.

Refer to this detailed guide to learn about this new functionality.

Addition of New Report Types

The Report Management feature has been enhanced with three major module additions: SKU Bin Management, Inventory Report, and Operations Report.
Now, you can track your SKU bins, analyze inventory data, and monitor operations more effectively with a date range for a specific customer and client.

Please refer to our comprehensive guide on creating a new report. While selecting the report type, you will see these new options available.

Customer Profile Details

You can now update your business and warehouse information, contact details, and even your business logo directly from your ‘My Profile’ page.

Access it simply by navigating to the 'Profile' section on your dashboard, and selecting 'My Profile.' Update your Business Details, Warehouse Information, Business and Billing Addresses, Phone Number, and Email Address with ease.

Additionally, you have the option to upload a business logo which will be added to the platform logo as well.

To learn more about this please refer to this guide.

Priority Batch Setting in Outbound Logistics

Boost your efficiency with a new feature, allowing priority setting for urgent batches on the Outbound Logistics Screen. This crucial update ensures urgent orders are processed first, enhancing your operational workflow.

For a detailed step-by-step guide on how to use this new feature, please refer to this link.

Picker Reassignment Feature in Outbound Logistics

This update introduces the ability to reassign pickers for specific batches, ensuring workload balance and uninterrupted operations.

Access this feature from the main dashboard and select a new picker from the dropdown menu. This feature is only applicable to unprocessed batches.

For comprehensive instructions, please visit this link.

Enhanced Packing Screen with Quantity Input Feature

We've transitioned from an expanded view to a consolidated one, where each item is displayed with its total quantity, simplifying the packing process.

Now, when adding items to a box, you'll be prompted to input the quantity, ensuring accurate packing. This feature also applies when redoing items from the box.

These changes are designed to make your packing workflow more efficient.

For a comprehensive walkthrough of the updated packing flow, please visit this link.

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