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Prioritise Batch

In the realm of outbound logistics, setting a batch as a priority is a key operation that ensures urgent orders are processed first.

There are several reasons why you might need to set a batch as a priority:

  • Urgent Orders: Some orders may need to be processed urgently due to customer requirements or other factors. Setting these batches as a priority ensures they are processed first.

  • Efficiency: Prioritizing batches can improve the overall efficiency of the picking process by ensuring that the most important tasks are completed first.


Before you begin, ensure that you have the necessary permissions to edit picking assignments in the Outbound Logistics system.

  1. Access the Outbound Logistics System: Log into the system using your credentials.

  2. Navigate to the Picking Section: From the main dashboard, go to Outbound Logistics > Operations > Picking. This is where you can view all the picking assignments.

  3. Find the Specific Batch: Scroll through the list or use the search function to find the specific batch you want to set as a priority. The batches can be identified by their unique batch numbers.

  4. Set the Batch as Priority: Once you've located the batch, click on the Action button next to it. And then click on prioritize. This will set the batch as a priority in the picking list for the picker.

  5. Confirm the Priority Setting: A pop-up window will appear asking for confirmation. Click on Yes, I confirm to finalize the priority setting.

Please be aware that the priority setting can only be done for unprocessed batches. Once a batch has been processed, the priority status is locked and cannot be changed.

If you need to set a priority for a processed batch, you may need to consult with your system administrator or follow a different procedure.

Always ensure to check the status of the batch before attempting to set it as a priority.

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