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Report Management

To ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the data, it is strongly advised that permissions related to this module should not be delegated to any users or any external entities. Granting such permissions might lead to unintended access and potential discrepancies, thereby compromising the reliability of our system.

Presently we have made sure only users with role Admin have access to Report Management.

This feature is designed to provide comprehensive tools to generate, manage, and schedule reports. With Report Management, you can easily create detailed reports tailored to your needs, automate the scheduling of these reports for regular updates, and receive them directly via email. This functionality ensures you have the latest data at your fingertips, streamlining your decision-making process and enhancing operational efficiency. By doing so, admins can easily track the performance of the business and make data-driven decisions.

Since this is a new module addition make sure the user access is there for Report Management. You can enable the access for a user by taking the following steps :

  1. Navigate to user management on the Hopstack Platform.

  2. Click on the access setting icon beside the user to whom you want to give report management access.

  3. Toggle on for the report management and save it.

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