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Customer Profile Details

Steps to Update Profile Details:

Accessing Profile:

Navigate to the 'Profile' section on your dashboard and click on 'My Profile.'

Editing Business Details:

In the 'Business Details' section, you'll find a set of fields you can update:

Business Name: Enter your business's official name.

Business Location: Input the location where your business is based.

Updating Warehouse Information:

Under 'Warehouse Information,' provide necessary details about your warehouse's location.

Business Address Information:

Here, you'll find three separate fields to input:

Billing Address: Provide the address where billing documents should be sent.

Shipping Address: Input the address where shipments will be received or sent from.

Business Phone Number: Provide the business's primary contact number.

Business Contact Email Address: Enter the business's primary email address for contact purposes.

Uploading Business Logo:

You have the option to upload or change your business logo in this section. Simply click on 'Upload Business Logo,' choose a file from your device, and save.

This logo will be added to the platform as well

Once you have made the necessary changes, review all the information for accuracy, and then click 'Confirm' to update your profile.

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