September 2024
Real-Time Inventory Sync with Shopify
We’re excited to announce a new feature to enhance inventory synchronisation between Hopstack and Shopify. This Inventory Sync will streamline several key workflows:
Receiving Flow: Once the consignment process is complete, the added inventory will be pushed to Shopify in real time.
Stock Ledger and SKU-BIN Mapping: Any manual stock adjustments, including additions or deductions, will be updated immediately.
Order Fulfilment: Upon the completion of each order, stock changes will be reflected in real-time.
Cycle Count: Any stock changes made during cycle count activities in Hopstack will sync instantly with Shopify.
Note: To enable this feature, please contact your Account Manager or contact the Customer Support Team at Hopstack.
Automatic Cancellation Synchronization for Amazon and Shopify Integrations
Previously, when an order was cancelled on Amazon or Shopify, this change was not reflected in Hopstack. With our latest update, any order in an unprocessed status in Hopstack that is cancelled on Amazon or Shopify will now be automatically cancelled in Hopstack as well. This ensures consistency across both platforms and enhances the order management process.
Note: This update specifically affects orders in the unprocessed status in Hopstack. Orders that have been assigned other statuses—such as batched, in progress, or completed—will not be impacted by cancellations on Amazon.
SKU Allocation View on Stock Ledger
We're introducing a new column on Stock Ledger called Allocated, which lets the user view what an SKU is allocated against, like outbound orders and Bundles.
Clicking on Allocated Units, a pop-up window will appear, showcasing all orders that are batched or in-process or the selected product.
Key Updates
Entity & Entity ID: It's not just an order that can hold an allocation, it can be also something like a bundling operation or a Bin-to-Bin Transfer Job as shown below.
Location: The stored bin location of the product within the warehouse
Quantity: The number of allocated units for that specific order
UoM: The base UoM of the product

Adding Existing LPN / UPC / EAN to a Product
Introducing a feature where the users can now add LPN/UPC/EAN for a product through the App. The scanned code through the App will be saved for a product and can be viewed via the product management screen.
Here is how to add LPN to a product:
Navigate to the Add LPN Section.
Make sure you add the LPN to the Product.
Click on Submit the LPN.
For more details, check out our Adding Existing LPN / UPC / EAN to a Product
Back Orders in Split Orders
With the improved split orders feature, users will now be able to perform partial fulfilment for split orders. When a child order of a split order contains unfulfillable items, the system automatically creates a backorder for any unfulfillable quantity when batched manually. This creates two suborders in the child orders, where one suborder is fulfillable, allowing fulfilment of the available items, and the other suborder contains the remaining items. The unfulfillable child order is recorded as a backorder and can be tracked and fulfilled when inventory becomes available.
Learn More

Partial Fulfillment Update to Shopify
You can now fulfill part of an order using Hopstack for Shopify orders. This means you can select specific line items and quantities to fulfill, even if it's fewer than the total ordered.
Once you complete a partial fulfillment on the Hopstack platform, Hopstack will automatically update the order status to “partially fulfilled” on Shopify. This keeps your inventory and customer information accurate and up-to-date. You can check all the partial fulfillment updates to Shopify via Audit Trail.