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Audit Trail for Consignments

An audit trail is a secure and comprehensive record of sequences in a process, depicting who did what and when. In the context of the Hopstack platform for inbound consignments, it chronicles every status change, action, or event associated with a consignment. The primary objective of this feature is to enhance transparency, accountability, and traceability, ensuring users have a clear line of sight into their shipment's journey from start to finish. By providing a detailed history of every activity linked to a shipment, users can pinpoint the exact status of their consignments and act promptly if any discrepancies arise.

How to Access the Audit Trail

  1. Navigate to the Consignments section under the Inbound Logistics tab.

  2. Locate the specific consignment you wish to view.

  3. Click on the Action Menu (typically represented by three dots or a similar icon) adjacent to the order.

  4. From the dropdown, select Audit Trail.

General Overview

Upon accessing the audit trail, users will be presented with a structured and chronological history of the selected order. Each entry or status update is accompanied by:

  • A status icon.

  • The precise status designation.

  • The name of the user who initiated or was responsible for the change.

  • A timestamp, indicating the exact moment the status was updated or action was taken.

Specific Descriptions of Each Status

  1. UNPROCESSED: This status indicates that the consignment has been logged into the system but has yet to undergo any further processing or action.

  2. RECEIVING_STARTED: This marks the beginning of the process where the platform starts acknowledging the incoming items associated with the consignment.

  3. ITEM_RECEIVED: Specific items within the consignment have been received and documented in the system. Each item's details, such as ASIN, SKU, name, and quantity, will be listed.

  4. COMPLETED: The consignment has been fully processed, and all associated activities have concluded successfully.

  5. CONSIGNMENT RECEIVED IN FULL: All items linked with the consignment of the order have been received in their entirety. This entry appears as a result of clicking “Mark as Received” in the action menu.

  6. CONSIGNMENT RECEIVED IN CURRENT STATE: The consignment associated with the order has been received in its current state. This entry appears as a result of clicking “Receive Current” in the action menu.

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