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View Damaged Items During Consignment Receiving

When an associate receives consignment, the associate has the ability to capture images of the damaged quantities for every product that is being received.

While using the mobile application, the associate can select “Mark Damaged”, capture images, mark the number of damaged items and add notes while receiving a particular product. The ability to capture images, ensures accuracy, identify any damages or discrepancies, enhances transparency and facilitates communication between stakeholders, improving accountability across the Receiving.

For every consignment,
An admin can go to Hopstack > Inbound, view consignments which has damaged items as shown below. Click “Damaged Qty” to view the comprehensive details about the damaged items including the images that were captured during the Receiving workflow.


Access Damage Information for Consignments with Damaged Items


Click 'Damage Info' CTA under Received Quality to Explore Detailed Information on
Damaged Items for the Consignment

When an associate is receiving, for every receiving activity, a batch is created,
And if that batch has damaged items, an admin should be able to go to Inbound > Operations,
And be able to view the batch for that consignment, see the damaged items, the images and notes that were captured.


View Damaged Items for every Receiving Batch

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