Scheduled Reports
To schedule reports, follow the steps below.
Step 1. Navigate to the Report Management section and click on “Report Management”.

Step 2. Click on Add Reports.

Step 3. Select “Schedule Report for Later”.

Step 4. Select “Report Type” and click on Next.

Step 5. Choose the fields for the report by clicking on the arrow mark next to each field in the available fields column.

Step 6. Once the required fields are selected, click on Next.

Step 7. Select the Warehouse and Client by clicking on the dropdown.

Step 8. Once the warehouse and client are selected, the filter fields indicate the number of selections made, now click on next.

Step 9. Click on the choose date field and a calendar selection option appears from which the user can select a date.

Step 10. Choose the frequency. Users have the option to schedule Daily reports, Weekly reports and Monthly reports. The next step of selection differs based on the choice of frequency.

If Daily is selected, the next step would be time selection.
If Weekly is selected, the user will have to select the day of the week.

If Monthly is Chosen, the user will have to specify the day of the month.

Step 10. Choose the time and click on “Ok”. Note that the time zone is mentioned above the date selection. Once the time is selected, click on Next.

Step 11. Select your user account. This selection allows the system to email of the scheduled reports to the email ID linked to the user account.

Step 12. Click on Create to complete creating the schedule.

After clicking on Create, a notification pops up confirming that the scheduled report has been created successfully. And user will receive the reports via email as per the schedule.

The Scheduled Reports tab in the Report management screen contains the list of all scheduled reports with details such as report type, scheduled frequency, next scheduled run and last successful execution.

The users have the ability to filter the list by Report Type and Frequency by clicking on the filter icon.

The action button is provided for all reports to allow users to view/edit schedule details and cancel schedule.

View/Edit Schedule Details when selected display the details of the schedule and the user can edit the editable details by clicking on the pencil icon. Once the edit is made, click on update. The system will notify you that the update has been made successfully.

To cancel a schedule the user can either click on cancel schedule from the actions or click on cancel schedule in the view/edit screen.

Once cancelled, the system sends a notification that the scheduled report has been deleted successfully.