Extended Granularity in Consignment Status Tracking
Please note that this feature is placed under controlled availability and is only available to those customers who have it as a part of their contract. If you are interested in this feature, please get in touch with your implementation manager at Hopstack.
Hopstack has recently implemented an additional (and optional) tracking mechanism to track consignment status until putaway is completed.
Our existing mechanisms only track the progress of a consignment’s completion until receiving is done. Putaway is a separate activity, generating batches based on the completed receiving items. Until today, there were no mechanisms to track putaway statuses of items against a consignment.
With the new update, selected Hopstack customers can now track putaway status of line items against individual consignments. This enables:
Greater visibility into consignment line item status
Increased granularity in inventory tracking
Enhanced accuracy in inventory tracking
Key Changes
Introduction of Consignment Selection in Putaway
For customers with this feature enabled, associates will be greeted with the following screen when they enter the putaway role. They will be asked to scan a tracking number belonging to the consignment for which they want to track putaway operations.

List View for Selecting Consignments For Putaway
In case a tracking number is not accessible, associates can also choose a consignment from the list view. This list view will contain all consignments with at least one line item that has completed receiving and is pending putaway. Associates can simply click on ‘Work on this’ against any order to trigger putaway actions.

Ability to Skip Tracking Number Scan and Trigger Original Putaway Workflow
Associates will also retain the original option of directly scanning an item code by clicking on the ‘Skip’ button when prompted to scan a tracking number.

Please note that in this case, the system will automatically mark consignments as completed on a first-scanned-first-served basis.
To illustrate with an example,
If consignment 001 with SKU ABC had completed receiving and becomes ready for putaway on the 1st of March, and
consignment 002 with the same SKU (ABC) completed receiving and became ready for putaway on the 4th of March, then
when SKU ABC is scanned during putaway without specifying a consignment, the system will prioritise the completion of consignment 001 first, followed by consignment 002.
Ability to Scan Individual Items in a Tote During Putaway
Putaway associates can now scan the individual items that were associated with a tote by a receiving associate. This gives putaway agents the flexibility to unassign items from a tote and store them in a separate storage location within the warehouse, independent of the tote.
Associates can trigger this flow by scanning a tote that has completed receiving and click on the ‘Scan individual items’ button.
This will open a list view of all the items associated with the tote.

These items can now be putaway into storage locations as usual.
Please note that if a consignment is not selected while availing this tote scan functionality, the system will automatically prioritize the completion of the oldest consignment under the logic illustrated through the example above.
These features aim to provide better granularity in tracking inventory to our Hopstack customers and include additional functionality in the putaway activity to enable unique business cases for specific customers.
If these features are not available in your instance and you would like to avail them, please get in touch with your implementation engineer or Hopstack liaison to discuss your business needs.