Define Bundles & Multi-Packs during consignment creation
Note: This is a gated feature. To know more about this feature, please contact your account manager at Hopstack.
Exciting news! Hopstack now lets you effortlessly define bundles or multi-packs while creating consignments. No more bouncing between sections or back-and-forth hassles. With our latest update, streamline your workflow by creating bundles directly within the consignment process. Say hello to a smoother logistics experience with Hopstack!
Creating Standard Order
Follow the below actions to define bundles or multi-packs, streamlining your consignment creation process.
Searching Products by Channel:
Effortlessly filter products by channel. Choose a specific channel for targeted searches, or opt for the default "All" for a comprehensive global search. Need to narrow down further? Select a particular FBA account for more refined results. Simplify your search experience with tailored channel options.

Search for Products with a tailored channel option
Enhanced FBA Channel Selection and Importing of Products:
When searching for a product within a specific FBA channel on Hopstack, if the product hasn't been synced, we offer an advanced feature to import it from the corresponding Amazon seller account linked to your selection. If no results are found under a particular FBA account, simply choose another one to import the product from the correct seller account seamlessly. Simplifying product imports across FBA channels for a smoother user experience.
Note: The ability to import is currently only available for FBA. Please look out for updates from hopsack for other e-commerce marketplaces.
Define Bundles and Multi-packs:
After selecting a product, you will be able to view the product details. If for a particular product, you need to define it as Bundle/Multi-Pack. Please change the item type from Standalone to Bundle. See the image below
Define Bundle/Multi-pack: Select 'Bundle' as Item Type
Bundles already defined in Hopstack: View and edit existing Bundle Information with real-time updates in Hopstack's Bundle Management
Bundles are yet to be defined: Upon clicking "Define Bundles," users will find pre-populated bundle information and can seamlessly search and add products within the bundle.
Customers can choose to create either a Bundle or a Multi-Pack in Hopstack. A Bundle consists of multiple SKUs with varying quantities (e.g., a shampoo and conditioner), while a Multi-Pack contains multiple quantities of a single product (e.g., a two-pack of shampoo)
On Selecting Bundles - Search and Add Products. Search capabilities are restricted to Hopstack, and the selected channel with a specific seller account. Define the quantities that each bundle contains. Example: If a Bundle is to be defined containing 2 shampoo and 2 conditioner, the qty has to be updated to 2.
On selecting Multi-Pack - Customers will be able to similarly search and add product, define each pack’s quantity.

Click ‘Define Bundles’ to continue

Add Products to define Bundles

Define Multi-pack and quantities for a Pack
Hopstack simplifies bundle management by ensuring that once a bundle is defined, customers won't need to redefine it. Users can conveniently access bundle information through the Bundle Management feature, streamlining the process and enhancing user experience.
Note: All workflows and operations will remain unchanged. No modifications will be made to existing processes.
Creating Dropship Order: Hopstack empowers customers to specify the quantities of each case pack and the total number of case packs being received. This feature enhances transparency throughout the receiving process. When adding case pack details, the total receiving quantity will always correspond to the multiplication of the number of case packs and each case pack quantity, ensuring accuracy and clarity in inventory management.

Case-pack Details while creating a Dropship Order