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Common Issues During Bulk Upload

Understanding Error Types in Hopstack During Bulk Uploads

During bulk uploads in Hopstack, users may encounter various errors. Each error type is visually represented by a distinct color to facilitate easier understanding and prompt resolution. Before initiating the upload, the system validates the files to identify any potential issues. Here are the colors associated with specific error types along with their meanings:

  1. Gray:

    • Error Type: Invalid row.

    • Explanation: The entire row might have incorrect or missing data, or it may not be formatted properly.

  2. Yellow:

    • Error Type: Missing data.

    • Explanation: Data that should be present is not found. This often occurs due to typos or misspellings, causing the system to not recognize the information.

  3. Blue:

    • Error Type: Empty required field.

    • Explanation: A field that needs information is left empty. It's essential to fill in this data before attempting another upload.

  4. Purple:

    • Error Type: Use of unsupported characters.

    • Explanation: The input contains characters not supported by the system. Ensure all characters are in English and try uploading again.

  5. Orange:

    • Error Type: Duplicate data within the spreadsheet.

    • Explanation: The spreadsheet has repetitive data. To resolve, remove any extra or duplicate entries before re-uploading.

  6. Red:

    • Error Type: Data duplication with the system.

    • Explanation: The data you're trying to upload already exists within the system. Hopstack does not permit duplicate entries, so ensure you're adding new or unique data.

By understanding and recognizing these color-coded error types, users can quickly address any issues that arise during bulk uploads in Hopstack. Ensure that you review and rectify these errors before attempting another upload to guarantee a seamless experience.

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