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Bundling Summary

The Bundling Summary Operations screen provides a comprehensive overview of the status of bundling tasks. This view is designed to help you track and manage the progress of various bundling operations, including picking, bundling, and putaway.

The Bundling Summary view is located in the Inventory module, Operations section


The Bundling Summary View provides a detailed overview of your bundling operations. Here are the key fields you will find in this view:

  • Batch ID: A unique identifier for each batch of bundle tasks, allowing you to track and manage specific groupings of tasks.

  • User: The name or ID of the user that started picking for the bundle.

  • Created At: The date and time when the bundle task was initially created. This field helps track the age of tasks and manage deadlines.

  • Updated At: The most recent date and time when the bundle task was updated. This provides insight into the latest activity or changes made to the task.

  • Tote: The identifier or description of the tote associated with the bundle task. This helps in tracking the physical container used during the bundling process.

  • Bundle Picking: Indicates the status of the bundle-picking process, showing whether the items have been picked for bundling.

  • Bundling: Displays the status of the actual bundling process, and shows how many bundles have been processed.

  • Bundle Putaway: This shows the status of the bundle putaway process, indicating whether the completed bundles have been stored or placed in their final location.

  • Client(s): This helps in understanding which clients are linked to specific bundles.

  • Warehouse: Identifies the warehouse where the bundle task is being processed. This is useful for managing and coordinating operations across different warehouse locations.

Clicking on the eye icon shows the progress of the specific operation.


Users can filter this view by
a) warehouse to view bundling operations related to the specific warehouse

b) Client to view bundling operations related to the specific client

c) Status - Unprocessed, In-Process, Completed to view bundling operations in a specific state

d) Date range to view the batches processed within a specified period


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