Bulk Upload Warehouse
This document outlines the process for performing a bulk upload to add multiple warehouses simultaneously to your system. To ensure a successful upload, please follow these instructions closely.
Upload Preparation
Before uploading, you must use the specific template provided by the platform to format your data correctly.
Click on "Download Template" to obtain the template. This template is designed to help you organize the warehouse data properly for the upload process.
File Upload Process
Uploading Your File
Click on "Upload File" to begin the upload process.
Choose the file you have prepared using the downloaded template and upload it to the system.
System Validation
The system will automatically validate the columns in your uploaded file to ensure they match the expected format and required fields.
Column Mapping
Click on "Map Columns" to proceed. This step allows the system to understand which columns in your file correspond to specific data fields in the database.
The system will perform a validation to check for any issues within individual rows of your data.
Finalizing Upload
If the system identifies no issues, or once any identified issues are resolved, the data will be uploaded to the system.
Fields for Bulk Upload
The current template supports the bulk upload of warehouses with the following fields:
Name*: The official name of the warehouse.
Code*: A unique identifier for the warehouse.
Type Of Warehouse*: Specify the type(s) of the warehouse. Separate multiple types with commas.
Storage Types*: Indicate whether the storage is Chilled or Ambient.
Note: Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. Additional details not covered by these fields must be added manually through the system after the bulk upload process.
Additional Resources
For a detailed walkthrough of the bulk upload process, including visual aids and step-by-step instructions, please refer to the video guide available at: https://help.hopstack.io/home/bulk-upload .
This guide provides additional insights and tips to help you navigate the bulk upload process efficiently.
Important: Regularly updating warehouse information after the initial upload is crucial to maintaining accurate and up-to-date records in the system.