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August II

Dear Customer,

This email includes new product feature release notes and updates for the Hopstack Platform.

We have also included relevant support materials to help you navigate the new changes to the platform. Please click on the Support Resources hyperlink under the relevant topic headers to open the respective support materials. Please log in to the support portal with the password already supplied to you.

Enhanced Exception Management
Now, manage multiple order exceptions in one go, boosting efficiency and saving you time.

  • Streamline processes by bulk-resolving order exceptions.

  • Easily navigate to "Outbound Exceptions", select orders, and hit "Mass Resolve".

  • Get an instant alert on the resolution status.

For a step-by-step guide, refer to the details above

Order Shipping Update

Mark your orders as 'Shipped' on the marketplace right from the platform.

  • Opt to mark as 'Shipped on MARKETPLACE' during order completion with a simple checkbox.

  • Admins can directly set it as 'SHIPPED' from the action button for eligible orders.

  • Audit trail for 'Mark Complete' actions

Ability to Cancel Shipment

When you mark an order as canceled, the change instantly reflects on the associated marketplace.
Please Note, that any marketplace shipment linked to the order will also be canceled.
And all the inventory that is allocated for the order will be reverted.

ASIN Hyperlink and Product Images

ASINs Hyperlink within Product Management, Consignments, and Stock Ledger are now clickable, leading straight to the Amazon product pages. Plus, Product images are fetched directly from Amazon on Product Management.

Giving users immediate access to product specifics on Amazon.

Import and Search FBA Shipments

Users with an active Amazon Seller Central integration will now be able to search and fetch for shipments in the seller’s Amazon account. Once done, the shipments can be imported into Hopstack and fulfilled from the warehouse.

Here is the Step by Step Guide for Import Shipments.

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