Action Menu for Hopstack Orders
This is a list of all the options available in the action menu for orders that were created in Hopstack, either through the in-app order creation wizard or through bulk upload (where the source was Hopstack)
Some options may not be available to you due to the nature of your subscription and the absence of specific features. If you are interested in any of the options mentioned below but cannot see it on your instance, please reach out to your implementation lead.
1. Mark Complete

Description: Mark the outbound order as completed i.e. if you were sending out 10 items, then marking it as complete will make the system deduct 10 items from the inventory and log it against that order, without performing any of the actual workflows.
Instructions: Click on the "Mark Complete" option when the order has been successfully processed and shipped to the recipient.
2. Download BOL

Description: Download the Bill of Lading (BOL) for the outbound order.
Instructions: Click on the "Download BOL" option. A download will begin, and the BOL document will be saved to your designated downloads folder. Depending on your settings, you may also be asked to choose a destination folder.
3. Print BOL

Description: Print a physical copy of the Bill of Lading (BOL) for record-keeping or other purposes.
Instructions: Ensure your printer is connected and configured correctly. Click on the "Print BOL" option.
4. Download Report

Description: Download a detailed report of the outbound order.
Instructions: Click on the "Download Report" option. A download will commence, and the report will be saved to your designated downloads folder.
5. Delete Order

Description: Remove the outbound order from the system permanently.
Instructions: Click on the "Delete Order" option. A confirmation prompt will appear. Confirm the deletion only if you are certain, as this action is irreversible.
This option is only available if the order is in UNPROCESSED status. Any order that has any fulfilment activity performed against it CANNOT be deleted in the interest of maintaining inventory integrity. To move forward without fulfilling the order, look at point number 6 below.
6. Mark as Cancelled

Description: Mark the outbound order as canceled. Once this is chosen, no pending fulfillment activities will be conducted against this order. Any stock allocated or blocked for this order will be returned back to the inventory against the respective SKUs.
Instructions: Click on the "Mark as Cancelled" option if the order needs to be canceled due to unforeseen reasons.
7. Audit Trail

Description: Track the changes and actions taken on the outbound order for auditing purposes.
Instructions: Click on the "Audit Trail" option to view a detailed history of changes and actions associated with the order.
Click here to know more.
8. Update Carrier

Description: Update the shipping carrier details for the outbound order.
Instructions: Click on the "Update Carrier" option. Input/update the shipping address for the order, followed by box dimensions, and then choose the desired carrier from the resultant rate shopping window (gated feature, available on request)
9. Update Shipping Info

Description: Modify the shipping details and preferences of the outbound order.
Instructions: Click on the "Update Shipping Info" option. Make the necessary changes to the shipping details and save.