Views on Packing Screen
This document will guide you through the two main views available in our packing system: the Detail View and the List View. Understanding and effectively using these two views is vital for efficient and accurate order processing.
Detail View
The Detail View focuses on individual order processing, providing specific instructions and details for each order. This view is ideal for focusing on one order at a time.
Features of Detail View
Please Scan the Next Item: This is the prompt for you to scan the barcode of the next item in the order. Use your barcode scanner to scan the item. This ensures that the correct item is being packed and updates the system with the packing progress.
Completion: This is a progress bar that shows how much of the current order has been packed. It starts at 0% and reaches 100% once all items in the order have been packed.
Or Enter Manually: If the barcode scanner isn't working, or if the item doesn't have a barcode, you can enter the item details manually. Click on "Enter Value" and type in the item's SKU or other identifying details.
Pause Packing: If you need to stop packing (e.g., for a break), click this button. The system will pause your progress and allow you to resume later.
Restart Packing: If there's a problem with the order, or if you made a mistake, you can click this button to restart the packing process for the current order. All progress will be lost, and you'll need to start packing the order from scratch.

List View
The List View provides a comprehensive view of all unprocessed orders. It gives an overview of the packing workload and helps you manage multiple orders at once.
Features of List View
Each row in the list represents a single order with the following details:
ASIN/FNSKU/SKU: These are unique identifiers for the products in the order. They help you identify the exact item that needs to be packed.
Product Name: This is the name of the product to be packed.
Qty: This is the quantity of the product that needs to be packed for the order.
Status: This shows the current status of the order. "Unprocessed" means that the order has not been packed yet.
Action: This column contains two buttons:
Scan: Click this button when you're ready to start packing the order. This will take you to the Detail View for that specific order.
Re-do: If an order was processed incorrectly and needs to be packed again, click this button. This will reset the order's status to "Unprocessed."
Remember, the Detail View is for focusing on individual orders and conducting the actual packing work, while the List View is for monitoring all orders and managing the overall packing workload.