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Scanning Method

This guide will walk you through the process of selecting a scanning method on our mobile application. The application provides multiple methods for scanning, and you can choose the one that's most convenient for you.

Procedure to Select Scanning Method:

  1. Access the Mobile Application: Open the mobile application on your device.

  2. Navigate to Settings:

    a. On the home screen or main menu of the application, look for the “Settings” option.

    b. Tap on the “Settings” option to access the settings menu.

  3. Scanning Method Selection:

    a. In the settings menu, you will see an option labeled “Scanning Method”. Tap on it to see the available scanning methods.

    b. Choose from the following methods:

    • Manual Entry: Select this if you wish to manually enter the data.

    • Camera: Choose this method to use your device's camera for scanning.

    • Bluetooth/Scanner: Opt for this if you have a Bluetooth scanner connected to your device.

    • Zebra: If you have a Zebra scanning device, choose this option.

  4. Confirm Selection:

    After selecting your preferred scanning method, tap on the “Submit” button to save your changes.


  1. Can't Find 'Settings' Option: Ensure you are on the home screen or main menu of the application. If the problem persists, consider updating the app or reinstalling it.

  2. Scanning Method Not Working: If a specific scanning method is not working, ensure that you have the necessary permissions granted (e.g., camera access) and that any external devices (e.g., Bluetooth scanner, Zebra) are properly connected.

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