Offline picking
Overview of the Offline Picking Flow
Physical Pick List is provided to the picker: The warehouse manager provides the associate with a pick list. The list includes:
Batch ID
List of SKUs
Item Identifier
Pick locations
Quantities to pick
Physical Picking: The associate picks items as per the pick list.
Reconciliation & Confirmation: After completing the picking:
Log in to the Hopstack system.
Reconcile picked quantities.
Confirm the pick.
Steps to Confirm Pick in Hopstack
Step 1: Log in to the Hopstack system using your credentials.
Step 2: On the picking screen, click on Pick for Order.

Step 3: Select Warehouse (if applicable)
If you have access to multiple warehouses, a warehouse selection screen will appear.
Choose the applicable warehouse from the list.
If you only have access to one warehouse, this step is skipped automatically.

Step 4: Select Batch.
A list view of available batches is displayed. The list is organized as follows:
Assigned Batches: Batches assigned to you appear at the top.
Unassigned Batches: Other batches not assigned any picker will be present below the assigned batches.
Identify the batch you picked from the list and click the “Work on this” action for the relevant batch.

Step 5: Reconcile Picked Quantities
The system opens the Picking Reconciliation screen.
Quantities picked are pre-populated based on system expectations.

Verify the quantities:
Edit quantities if they differ from what you picked.

Step 6: Confirm Pick
Once all quantities are verified, click on the “Confirm items” button.

Step 7: Confirm Dropoff
A notification will appear indicating the batch has been successfully completed., click on Confirm Dropoff to complete the picking process in the system.