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Marking the Orders Completed/Cancelled in Bulk

This document provides step-by-step instructions on how to mark the Orders as Cancelled/ Completed in Bulk

Accessing the Order Management Screen

  1. Log in to the Hopstack platform.

  2. Navigate to Outbound Logistics from the main menu.

  3. Click on the Order Management screen

Marking the Orders as Cancelled/Completed in Bulk

  1. Locate the checkbox option next to the Order ID column. This checkbox allows you to select multiple orders at once for bulk actions, such as cancellations and completion.

  1. Once the correct order ID is selected, please click on either of the options “Mark Complete or Mark as Canceled”.

  1. Once you click on Mark Complete or Mark as Canceled a pop-up appears on the screen asking for confirmation.

  1. Click on “Yes, I Confirm” to proceed further with the Cancellation or Completion of an order. A notification is displayed stating the order updated successfully.

Please note that you cannot cancel or complete the order which already has the status Cancelled or Completed.

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