Manage Product Categories
Hopstack provides the ability to define various product categories and nested subcategories within its Catalog Management system.
Discover these functionality using the below guide:
Under Catalog Management, navigate to Manage Categories, to view and add new categories.
On clicking Add Product Category, you will be able to see a pop-up, asking for Category Name, Description, and if you would like to nest this category.
Category Name and Description are mandatory fields.
Under the drop-down “Nest Category Under”, you will be able to see all the list of Parent categories, if you would like to make the new category as the sub-category of one of them. If not, the new category will be created on its own.
A user can create multiple sub-categories under the parent, by adding let’s say men and Women Collections under the collections, as shown below. The user will not have to traverse through the node by selecting the arrow.
Men’s Collection has been created under Collection
If you would like to go further within a hierarchy, you can traverse using the arrow, and a sub category will be created based on the node you have selected.
Once a category is created, it will appear in the list as shown below
If there are sub-categories created, you will be able to view them by expanding the parent category as shown below.
Editing a Category on Manage Categories:
You will have the flexibility to edit Category Name and Description. The user will not have the ability to change the Assigned Parent Category.
On clicking edit icon under Actions next to the category that needs to be edited, the user will see a pop-up to edit Category Name and Description.
Deleting a Category on Manage Categories:
You will be able to delete a category when a user clicks the delete icon under the Actions for the category that you would like to delete.
On clicking the delete icon, the confirmation message should be populated which indicates if there are any products that are assigned to this category. On clicking confirm, the categories will no longer be associated with those products.
If a Parent category is deleted, all the sub-categories under that parent will be deleted as well with you receiving a confirmation message for you to confirm.
Note: There is no limit on the number of categories or sub-categories you can create. However, we recommend creating only one layer of sub-categories for easier use across the platform.
Assign a Category to a Product
Under “Manage Catalogs”, you will be able to view a list of all Products, on selecting a specific Product, you will be able to assign a category to it, as shown below:
On the selected Product, go to the Actions, and you will see “Edit Product Details”
On clicking that option, the user will view the Product Details page of the specific product
Under Product Category, a user will be able to view the “Product Category”, and will be able to have multi-select option to add different categories or sub-categories
You will be able to select a category by traversing through the hierarchy using arrows, as shown below
You will also have the flexibility to select multiple sub-categories as shown below
Hopstack provides enhanced flexibility by letting you add categories from multiple parent ones, as depicted below.
Note: Users can add multiple parent and sub-categories when associating a product. There are no restrictions on category associations.
Deleting a Product Category from a Product:
To delete a category that has been assigned to the Product, the user will have to go to that specific product.
Under Actions, select “Edit Product Details”, and the user will view the Product Details including the categories that have been assigned.
If a user would like to view all the categories that have been assigned, the user can select the drop-down icon, and view the selected categories.
A user will be able to de-select any category, they would like to remove the association. on clicking “Apply” and the categories will be updated for the Product.
Once the category has been selected you will be able to see it on the product, under Manage Catalogs.
A user on hovering over a category tag, will be able to see the complete hierarchy.
As you assign products to a specific category, under Manage Categories, you will be able to view the total no. of associated product, refer below.
Enhance Filtering using Categories
Under Manage Catalogs, you can filter your search by selecting the filter icon, choosing Categories, you will see the option as shown below:
On clicking the drop-down under Categories Filter, the user will be able to view the list of all the Parent Categories that were created. You will be able to scroll through the drop-down to see all the Parent Categories
If a user selects a check-box on a category, all the sub-categories will be selected under that option
If a user would like to navigate through a hierarchy and select for a particular category, the user can navigate using the arrows, and as they navigate they will be able to view under which Parent category they are. Also, on selecting the user will see the no. of selected categories in that hierarchy.
In the below example, you will see two criteria have been selected which is under Collections
A user will be able to search under the drop-down which is limited to the drop-down view. Example: here the user will be able to search under Collections as shown below.
A user will be able to view a list of all the categories that are selected, you will be able to cancel any category criteria, and see the results changed.
On canceling “Industrial” category, the results get modified
You will also be able to hover over a category criteria bubble, and will be able to view the complete hierarchy that was selected, as shown below.
"Any Criteria" will be pre-selected, meaning results will populate if any of the configured criteria are met.
Switching to "All Criteria" will display only those products that meet all the filter categories.