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How to create Custom UoM's

Custom UOMs are there to add the UOM's for custom use cases. Contact your Implementation account manager to learn more.

This guide provides instructions on how to create and apply the custom UOMs managed within your system. We have a UoM collection now which will contain data that will be used globally. Currently, we are storing all the UoM labels in this UoM Management and the clients can have their own UoM labels along with the global ones: (Each, Case, Carton, Pallet)

  • Click on UoM Management under the Setup Section

  • Click on Add Custom UoM at the top right corner of the screen

  • Now type in the Custom UoM label name & “Add“ and then click on “Submit”

  • If required Multiple Custom UoM Labels can be added at once as shown below

  • Once added the Custom UoM’s can be verified from the UoM Management tab.

  • The UoM Configuration for a product can only be changed on product management if there is no inventory in storage. Custom UoM can be applied for the products based on the requirements. Search for the product in the Product Management Section and click on Edit under the 'Action' next to the product.

  • Click on the Product’s Unit of Measurement section, apply the Custom UoM Label created as per the requirements and click on Submit to SAVE.

  • Custom UoM’s can also be changed while creating an Inbound Consignment (Kindly make sure that the product has '0' inventory before making the changes in the UoM Configuration), while creating a consignment click on the ‘Form Factor’ upon selecting the products in the ‘Add Product’ Section on the consignment.

  • Note : The system will consider the UoM from the product management screen. Any change or modification in UoM can’t be made from the order creation screen. If the inventory is available the UOM can’t be changed. The same applies once a consignment is created.

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