Download Pack List
How to Download the Pack List :

Step 1: Navigate to the Order Management section of the platform.
Step 2: Locate the desired order.
Step 3: Under the 'Actions' dropdown, select the 'Packing List CSV' option.
Step 4: The CSV will be prepared and downloaded.
You can only download the pack list after the packing process is fully completed. Downloading prior to completion is not permitted.
The downloaded CSV will present the following columns:
Box Name: Descriptive name or label of the box.
Box Dimension: Size of the box provided.
Box Weight: Weight of the packed box.
Order Id: Unique identification for the order.
SKU: Stock Keeping Unit code.
Product Name: Name associated with the SKU.
Quantity: Number of each SKU in the box.
SKU Form Factor: Descriptive nature of the SKU's physical shape or configuration.
Cost/Unit: Price associated with each individual SKU.
Total Cost: Overall cost for the SKUs within the box.
Commodity Code: Classification code that defines the product type.
Note: Some fields in the CSV may appear blank if the information isn't fetched or available.