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Download or Print Box Labels

The "Re-Print Box Labels" functionality is designed to facilitate administrators and associates working with non-partnered carriers.

Unlike partnered carriers, which provide both box and shipping labels in a single file, non-partnered carriers offer them in separate files.

The existing system allows only the re-printing of shipping labels.

This feature enhancement addresses the need to re-print box labels separately whenever required, especially when a box label gets damaged or becomes non-usable.

Accessing the Functionality

  1. Navigate to the Order Management screen (Order Management > Search for Order).

  2. After searching and selecting the desired order, locate the 3 Dot Action Button.

  3. Under this section, you will find the Download/Print Box Labels option.


  • The "Re-Print Box Label" button is available on the Packing screen.

  • This button will only be visible when the packing for the order is completed.

  • It is specifically available for orders shipped through non-partnered carriers.


  1. Click on the "Re-Print Box Label" button.

  2. Upon clicking, a print job will be initiated for the respective box label file of the selected order.

  3. The downloaded/printed box label file will match the original format and content as received from the non-partnered carrier.

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