Deactivating Warehouse
This document provides instructions on how to deactivate a warehouse in your system. Deactivating a warehouse makes it unavailable for operations, ensuring it does not appear in searches or allocation processes. Follow these steps to deactivate a warehouse.

Editing Warehouse Information
Locate the warehouse you wish to deactivate in the system. You can use the search function to find the warehouse quickly.
Click on the pencil icon next to the warehouse's name to begin editing its details.
Deactivating the Warehouse
Within the edit mode, look for the toggle switch that represents the warehouse's active status.
Click on the toggle to change its status to deactivated. The toggle's appearance will change, indicating that the warehouse is no longer active.
Saving Changes
After deactivating the warehouse, click on "Submit" to save your changes. This action confirms the deactivation, and the warehouse will no longer be available for operations.
By following these steps, you can effectively remove a warehouse from active operations, ensuring that it does not interfere with your management processes. Remember, you can always reactivate the warehouse by following similar steps and toggling the active status back to enabled.
Note: It's important to review the impact of deactivating a warehouse on your operations, including inventory management and order fulfillment, to avoid any disruptions.