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Creating Orders in Bulk (New bulk upload)

We're excited to introduce the improved bulk upload feature, designed to help you efficiently manage large amounts of data. With improved data validation and formatting, you'll benefit from real-time feedback during uploads, as well as the ability to view past uploads for better tracking and management.

Follow the steps below to create orders in bulk.

Step 1: Click on Outbound Logistics

Step 2: Click on Order Management under Outbound Logistics to enter the order management screen.

Step 3: Click on the Manage Actions button, and click on the Download template to download the bulk upload template.

Step 4: Open the template and fill in the details (Note that the fields with * are mandatory fields). The template will look like the one below.

Step 5: To upload the filled template file, click the Manage Actions button and then Upload Files.

Step 6: Upload file window opens, click on Browse or drag and drop files to upload.


Step 7: Confirm that the file name reflects on the screen and click on Verify!

Step 8: Notification for verification appears and if successful, click on Next.

Step 9: Map Fileds screen appears, this screen can be useful to map the field names in the file to the specific product attributes when the column name on the file is not the same as the template. If the template column names were not modified, this step can be skipped and the user can click on Submit.

Step 9: Click on Submit. The user will receive a notification indicating that the data is scheduled for upload.

If successful, the following notification will appear.

If the upload failed or was partially successful a corresponding notification will appear and the user can click on Past Uploads to download the error record to view the reason for the error.

The Manage Actions button could also be used to view all the past uploads.


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