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Creating Cycle Count Plans

The cycle count module will allow you to set up monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual cycle count instances for all or specific zones of the warehouse. You will also have the capability to execute an unscheduled cycle count

Ensure you are logged in with the appropriate account and have the necessary access before proceeding with the instructions

  1. Navigate to the Hopstack Platform

  2. After logging in, locate the "Inventory" button in the main navigation menu (on the left side of the screen) and click on it.

  3. Find and click on the "Cycle Count" option.

  4. In the top right corner, click on the ‘Add cycle count plan’ button.

  5. Please type out the name of the cycle count plan. This refers to any name that your organization uses to refer to that specific cycle count plan location.

  6. Please type out the code of the cycle count plan. This refers to a 3-4 letter alphabetical code that can be used to refer to the cycle count plan in shorthand notation.

  7. Please specify the Frequency Type it could be Daily/Weekly/Monthly.

  8. Specify the start date of the count plan.

  9. Select the clients for the cycle count.

  10. Add in Count Type by Locations

  11. Specify all the Bin Locations. You can select multiple from the drop-down.

  12. Once all details are specified, please click on Submit.

  13. Your cycle count plan has now been created Note: If your changes do not reflect immediately, please reload the page

Note: If your changes do not reflect immediately, please reload the page

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