Bulk Print of Locations Barcodes in bulk or single
Bulk Print of Locations
Navigate to the Storage Management section under the Setup option from the side menu on the Hopstack Dashboard,

Click on the action button against the desired storage section

Clicking on the print will download all barcodes created under the storage section.
Single Print of Locations
To download a single location barcode
Navigate to the Storage Management section under the Setup option from the side menu on the Hopstack Dashboard,

Click on the action button against the desired storage section and select “Edit Storage Section”

Click on the print barcode button against the desired location

Choose the desired type of barcode from the drop-down menu.

Select the desired dimensions from the drop-down menu.

Let's select 3x2.

Click on the "Print" or “Download” button to finally print the barcode.

The barcode displayed here provides a print preview of the barcode.