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Associate Clients with the Billing Profiles

Once you have created one or multiple Billing Profiles under SetUp > Billing Profiles. The next step is to associate Clients with the Billing Profile. 

Hopstack allows you to efficiently manage multiple clients under a single Billing Profile, streamlining your billing processes. Follow these steps to associate multiple clients: 

  1. Navigate to Client Management

    1. Log in to the Hopstack platform using your credentials 

    2. Go to Set-Up 

    3. Select “Client Management” 

Client Management Module Page

  1. Select Client for Association

    1. A list of Clients are displayed unde the Client Management

    2. Select the Client you want to associate a Billing Porfile with. Click the associate icon  under the Actions to associate Billing Porfile and Billing Period

    3. Please Note: Only Active Billing Porfiles will be visible for association

Note: Currently, Hopstack only supports Billing Period as “Monthly” 

Associate Billing Profile & Period

Hopstack provides the ability for you to associate multiple clients to a single Billing Profile, optimising your Billing processes.

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