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Amazon Prep Instructions

The Amazon Prep Instructions feature allows you to view and manage specific preparation instructions received from Amazon directly. It facilitates better compliance with Amazon's requirements, ensuring smoother transactions and improved customer satisfaction.

Accessing Amazon Prep Instructions:

To access the Amazon Prep Instructions feature, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the prepping screen within the application.

  2. Look for the new field labeled "Amazon Prep Instructions."

Amazon Prep Instructions Field:

In the "Amazon Prep Instructions" field, you will find instructions provided by Amazon regarding the preparation types required for your products. These instructions are crucial for ensuring that your items meet Amazon's standards before being shipped to customers.

How to Use:

  1. Viewing Instructions:

    • Upon accessing the prepping screen, you will see the "Amazon Prep Instructions" field prominently displayed.

    • Simply review the instructions provided to understand the specific prep types recommended by Amazon.

  2. Adding Data:

    • The received data from Amazon will automatically populate this field.

    • You do not need to manually input any information here; the system will handle this for you.

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