Accessing the Receiving Workflow Screen
This article is applicable to all warehouse operators and associates.
You can access the receiving screen in one of two ways:
Logging in as an associate user - Your warehouse admin has the authority to create associate users for you in the Hopstack platform. If your user has access to the Receiving activity, then as soon as you log in using your credentials, you will be taken to the receiving screen.
If you are an associate with more than one role, then after logging in you will first see the screen to select a role. In the resulting dropdown, you should be able to see Receiving as an option. Click on it to proceed with the next steps.
Logging in through the Role Switcher - Click on the Role Switcher and choose Receiving as the role.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
I am unable to see receiving in my drop-down of available roles. What do I do?
There’s a high likelihood that you have insufficient permissions - You don’t have permission to perform receiving for your organization. To address this, please get in touch with your warehouse operator and ask them to clarify your accounts' permissions.
I am unable to see the role switcher. What do I do?
Please ensure that you are an admin in the warehouse. If you are a user with client-level permissions, then you will not be getting access to the role switcher. Only admins and supervisors will get access to the role switcher.