March I
Dear Customer,
This email includes new product feature release notes and updates for the Hopstack Platform.
We have also included relevant support materials to help you navigate the new changes to the platform. Please click on the Support Resources hyperlink under the relevant topic headers to open the respective support materials. Please log in to the support portal with the password already supplied to you.
Simplified Palletization & Cartonization
We have enabled the palletization and cartonization module on mobiles and PDAs.
Warehouse associates can now perform palletization and cartonization actions while performing receiving actions for loose items.
A demonstrative video of this feature can be found here.
Guided Putaway Logic
Added a functionality by which the putaway screen will show a suggested bin location for that product.
This guidance is generated based on the SKU-Bin mappings created through the SKU
Customize Fields & Re-order Columns
Users now have the option to customize and reorder the columns in every table in the Hopstack platform.New Bulk Upload Functionality
The bulk upload functionality has been revamped to ensure a smoother upload experience for all warehouse admins and clients.
After uploading a file, users will now get the option to map columns to specific fields in a table, thereby ensuring greater transparency during uploads.
This functionality has been extended to the following modules:
User Management
Client Management
Warehouse Management
SKU-Bin Mapping
Location Management
Click here to see a video on how the bulk upload functionality works.
Order Creation Wizard
The order creation process for individual orders on the Hopstack platform has been revamped into a wizard-based format.
The functionality for selecting products while creating orders has also been broadened to enable searching by any product attribute. Users can now search products by SKU, Product Name, ASIN, FNSKU, EAN, UPC, or any other configurable product attribute.
Tote Attributes on Display in Tote Management
Totes that have attributes like color and other unique identification.
The attributes are configurable to meet any business needs that a Hopstack user may have.
Re-do Functionality in Workflows
Added functionality to allow associates to re-attempt steps in workflows for jobs and batches assigned to them.
Ability to Restart Entire Workflows
Added functionality to allow associates to re-attempt entire workflows for jobs and batches assigned to them.
Ability to Pause Workflows
Added functionality to allow associates to pause workflows.
Ability to Skip Items Temporarily During Picking
Associates will now be able to temporarily skip items while performing picking activities and have the ability to come back to them.
Consignment Audit Trail
Administrators will now be able to view the audit trail of a consignment by clicking on the Action icon against each consignment in the Inbound Logistics screen.
Based on the same principle as the orders audit trail, it empowers admins to see a time-stamped action trail for every order, right from the time the item began receiving until the point it was put away in a storage location.
A sample audit trail is attached below
Notification to Clients for Rotating Amazon Refresh Tokens
Due to a recent change in Amazon’s policies, all of our users will now have to rotate their refresh tokens every 180 days to ensure that Hopstack stays connected with the Seller Central accounts.
Users will now be greeted with a banner that reminds them to rotate their Amazon tokens at the following intervals.
31-45 days before expiry - Amber-colored banner
0-30 days before expiry - Red-colored banner
Manual Packing
Associates can now perform fully manual packing, wherein all box weights, dimensions, and item weights can be manually specified by the associate performing the packing operation.
General Usability Improvements and Bug Fixes
Changed our email service provider to ensure timely and accurate email deliveries (especially for user signup emails and reset password emails)
General user interface improvements to provide a seamless fulfillment experience to the users
Upcoming Items
Amazon - Edit shipment plan functionality
Moving items out of damaged inventory and into stock OR discarding it
Warehouse address specification
List views on all workflows to improve visibility
Hopstack’s team tirelessly performs extensive testing of new features before any release. While we continue to accelerate these releases to enable our customers, sometimes there may be bugs and corner cases that the team might have missed/overlooked. We sincerely request that our customers report any usability feedback or bugs that are observed in the platform. Our team continues to strive for excellence and will resolve the reported issues as soon as possible.
These features will be made available to the customers by Tuesday morning CT. Our team is constantly monitoring the platform's performance and will be performing micro-releases if necessary (to address any feedback or bugs reported by customers)