July I
Dear Customer,
This email includes new product feature release notes and updates for the Hopstack Platform.
We have also included relevant support materials to help you navigate the new changes to the platform. Please click on the Support Resources hyperlink under the relevant topic headers to open the respective support materials. Please log in to the support portal with the password already supplied to you.
User Management Module Enhancements
a. Introduction of a new 'User Roles' tab for managing user roles and access controls. This will be helping admins to have granular control of user permissions. Here is the video guide on how to add, edit and delete user roles.

b. New Dashboard Tab to see the number of Total User Accounts, Current Active Users, Suspended Users, and Invited Users. Also, you can see the status of the user from the Users table and can track the user’s activities by clicking on Audit Trail.
Here is the complete User Management Walkthrough Video to understand more.

c. Addition of the 'Reset Password' button for each user. This function allows admins to promptly resend verification emails in scenarios where an invited user may no longer have access to the original email or when the initial Hopstack login link has expired.

Refined Bulk Upload Flow
The bulk Upload Flow has been enhanced through improved error communication and increased usability of the upload module.
To facilitate error identification, users can now validate their upload to highlight error-causing cells and gain a clearer understanding of the issues through more informative error messages.
Here is the video explaining the Bulk Upload Flow in detail.

Adding Product Image
Upload product images to the products on the product management module - via URL input or direct file upload from the system. Presently only one image can be uploaded or linked at a time.

Expanded SKU Bin Export Options
Now, the export pop-up window includes all the data fields visible on the SKU-Bin Mappings screen, providing a comprehensive selection for export.

Inventory Re-allocation Across Channels
Platform now offers an option to re-allocate inventory across different marketplaces. This feature will be particularly useful for clients selling the same product across multiple marketplaces and needing flexibility in inventory management.
Steps :
An "Allocate Channel" button has been added under action to the stock ledger against each line item. This option allows clients to fetch the latest inventory for a selected product and all associated channels.
After Clicking and Selecting Channel(For eg. Shopify, FBA, FBM) Clients can search for products by SKU, UPC, Name, LPN (and also ASIN and FNSKU for Amazon). The inventory can then be reallocated from the source product to the destination product.
The system surfaces a warning if the UPC returned from Amazon/Shopify, etc., doesn't match the UPC of the product being allocated.
Click “Submit” after confirming now stock will be allocated successfully to the chosen products.
Note: The above improvements are designed to enhance flexibility in inventory management across multiple marketplaces. Also, Re-allocation can only occur with unallocated inventory
Mark Under-received Consignments Complete
Admins now can manually mark under-received consignments as 'completed'. This increases flexibility in handling cases where all expected consignment items have not been received.
Once a consignment is marked as 'completed', further receiving operations on that particular consignment will be disallowed. This ensures consignment status remains consistent post-completion.
The completion of a consignment, whether fully or partially received, will still trigger all related workflows (for example, Dropship). This ensures all related processes remain unaffected.
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Planned Next Releases:
Module Additions to Report Management.
Showing product images during associate workflows.
User Profile and Business Details.
Note Addition to Outbound Orders
Hopstack’s team tirelessly performs extensive testing of new features before any release. While we continue to accelerate these releases to enable our customers, sometimes there may be bugs and corner cases that the team might have missed/overlooked. We sincerely request that our customers report any usability feedback or bugs that are observed in the platform. Our team continues to strive for excellence and will resolve the reported issues as soon as possible.
Our team is constantly monitoring the platform's performance and will be performing micro-releases if necessary (to address any feedback or bugs reported by customers)